The grille that covers all openings in interior walls, roofs and floors
Aluminum grille without frame
The grille that has no external frame and consists only of an inset
Aluminum grille Click-in ®
The aluminum grille that can be easily mounted and de-mounted
Aluminum grille for floors
The grille for floors, over convectors, in shop windows or other openings
Aluminum grille for facades FG
Traditional aluminum facade grilles for air vents and outdoor usage
Aluminum grille for facades YGU
Aluminum grilles for air vents and outdoor use with an unique design
Aluminum grille with punched gills
Grilles made for air inlets and outdoor use with punched openings
Wood grille with frame
The grille that covers all openings with stylish wood
Wood grille without frame
Wood grilles that covers openings or can be used independently
Wood grille for floors
The grille that covers all openings in floors with stylish wood
Wood grille Click-in ®
The grille that has invisible fittings in stylish wood
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The grids are manufactured in the environmentally friendly materials aluminum and solid wood. We manufacture everything from a couple up to thousands of grids.